Bougainvillea Twilight
by Margaux Dreamaginations
Bougainvillea Twilight
Margaux Dreamaginations
Photograph - Fine Art Photography, Photopainting, Digital Image
Bougainvillea at twilight. One of a series.
A thorny ornamental vine (and sometimes with a trunk of a small tree) that is native to South America, and carries several names in the different regions. Thrives very well in the south western states in the U.S.
Wikipedia states: Many of today's bougainvillea are the result of interbreeding among only three out of the eighteen South American species recognized by botanists. Currently, there are over 300 varieties of bougainvillea around the world. Because many of the hybrids have been crossed over several generations, it is difficult to identify their respective origins. Natural mutations seem to occur spontaneously throughout the world.
This is called 'Pink & White Surprise as it starts out a green then white flower which then develops pink edges.
My own digital photograph artistically embellished.
Please contact ~rdmMargaux~ if you are interested in purchasing a signed and numbered print or canvas.
The 'FINE ART AMERICA' Watermark will NOT appear on your final product.
Featured/Highlighted in the following wonderful FAA artistic groups:
* Beautiful Flowers
* Pleasing The Eye
* Garden of Hope
* Black Background & Color
* FotoPainting
A heartfelt !! THANK YOU !! to each Group admin whom selected my works and for the honor of selection and recognition.
September 16th, 2014