Plumeria the Pretender
by Margaux Dreamaginations
Plumeria the Pretender
Margaux Dreamaginations
Photograph - Fine Art Photography, Photopainting, Digital Image
Lush bunch of Plumeria. Plumeria flowers are most fragrant at night in order to lure sphinx moths to pollinate them. The flowers have no nectar, however, and simply dupe their pollinators. The moths inadvertently pollinate them by transferring pollen from flower to flower in their fruitless search for nectar. Did you know that Plumeria is related to the Oleander?
My own digital photograph artistically embellished.
Please contact ~rdmMargaux~ if you are interested in purchasing a signed and numbered print or canvas.
The 'FINE ART AMERICA' Watermark will NOT appear on your final product.
Featured/Highlighted in the following wonderful FAA artistic groups:
* Beautiful Flowers
* ART - It's Good For You
* Thoughts of Flowers
* Flower Mania
* Images That Excite You
* Bath & Spa Prints
* Fine Arts Professionals
* Flora
* Arts Fantastic World
* Photograph Manipulation
* Art From the Heart
* Art & Meditation
* Contemporary
* Wisconsin Flowers & Scenery
* Artwork Manipulated Digitally
* Artists Best Five Artworks
* The 200 Club
* Cafe Art
* Dancing The Walls
* 500 Views Share
* The Broadcast Monkey
* 10 Plus
~~ A heartfelt !! THANK YOU !! to each Group admin whom selected my works and for the honor of selection and recognition. rdmm
plumeria, flowers, nature, beautiful flower, faa featured photo, creative, paint, soft, white, pale yellow, dreamy, hawaii, oleande, pretender, white, pale, pastel, greeting card
October 4th, 2014
Comments (36)
Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #6 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Stefano Senise for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, 10 Plus.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Mariola Bitner for featuring my artwork in the awesome group, 500 Views !
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Christopher James for featuring my artwork in your amazing group, 1000 Views.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you B for featuring my artwork in your amazing group, 500 Views Share.
Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/tw
Brian Tada
Saw this beauty featured in the "500 Views Share Group". Congratulations, rdm-Margaux Dreamations, on this and your multiple group features and many views of your exquisite Plumeria masterpiece! F/L
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you for Catherine Lott for featuring my artwork in the group, The Broadcast Monkey!
Jeannie Rhode Photography
rdm, Sharing my Congratulations on your recent Feature in Wisconsin Flower and Scenery ! rdm, Nice capture of these Beautiful Plumerias.
Barbie Corbett-Newmin
Congratulations on achieving over 500 views on this gorgeous work and on your graduation from the 200 Club! I am proud to have featured it!
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Ludwig Keck for featuring my artwork in your amazing group, Cafe Art !! rdmm
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Yolanda Terrell for featuring my artwork in your amazing group, Dancing The Walls !! rdmm
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Barbie Corbett-Newmin for featuring my artwork in your amazing group, The 200 Club !! rdmm
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Tina M Wenger for featuring my artwork in your amazing group, Artists Best Five Artworks !! rdmm
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Anthony Mwangi for featuring my artwork in your amazing group, Artwork Manipulated Digitally !! rdmm
Randy Rosenberger
It is with great pride and pleasure that I showcase this beautiful piece of your art work on the HOMEPAGE of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group site. I believe your works to be well composed, masterfully displayed, and a true joy to view. Thanks for sharing your talents with our members of WFS group and all members on FAA. Your excellence sets a standard to be proud of. LIKED and FAVED Randy B. Rosenberger, Administrator of the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Rebecca Tkaczyk for featuring my artwork in your amazing group, Contemporary !! rdmm
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Mahesh Sharma for featuring my artwork in your amazing group, Art & Meditation !! rdmm