Atlantic Sunset Painted
by Margaux Dreamaginations
Atlantic Sunset Painted
Margaux Dreamaginations
Photograph - Fine Art Photography, Photopainting, Digital Image
Sunset & stormy clouds over the Atlantic one May evening. Taken during a walk in South Beach Miami, gaining a new life perspective while trying to cheer up someone with a broken heart.
FIRST PLACE WIN in THE ARTISTIC APERTURE 'Seascapes Artistic Artwork Contest' May 16th 2016.
My own digital photograph artistically embellished. Please contact ~rdmMargaux~ if you are interested in purchasing a signed and numbered print or canvas.
The 'FINE ART AMERICA' Watermark will NOT appear on your final product.
Featured/Highlighted in the following wonderful FAA artistic groups:
* Greeting Cards For All Occasions
* Images That Excite You
* New FAA Uploads
* Fine Arts Professionals
* Photo Manipulation Artistry
* Photography Manipulation
* Look Towards The Sky
* Digital Magic
* FotoPainting
* The Great Artists
* Artwork Digitally Manipulated
* Bath & Spa Prints
* Beauty in Art
* FAA Collectors Gallery
* Forward Exposure
* World Landscape Lovers of Art
* 10 Plus
* Beach Treasures
* Sunrise & Sunset Seascapes
* All Weather-New England & Beyond
* Coastal Scenes
* The Artistic Aperture
~~ A heartfelt !! THANK YOU !! to each Group admin whom selected my work and for the honor of selection and recognition. rdmm
ocean, sea, waves, sunset, sundown, evening, twilight, dusk, clouds, atlantic, storm, fall, florida, landscape, seascape, beachscape, waterscape, autumn, greeting card
December 24th, 2015
Comments (46)
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Vickie Emms for the Special Feature of my artwork in this amazing group, The Artistic Aperture!
Juli Scalzi
Congratulations on your contest win in the SEASCAPES ARTISTIC ARTWORK contest. Just love the pastel colors!
Vickie Emms
Congratulations on your feature in The Artistic Aperture Group, 'Seascapes Theme' - 18-05-16
Inge Riis McDonald
This is absolutely stunning work. Congratulations on winning Vickies first contest with this group. It is most well deserved!
Vickie Emms
Congratulations on your FIRST PLACE WIN in THE ARTISTIC APERTURE 'Seascapes Artistic Artwork Contest'! This is exactly what I was looking for. You will receive a large view of this image on the homepage of the group; be featured and promoted to Facebook FAA Artists Group, and Twitter.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Pharris Art for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Coastal Scenes.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Dianne Cowen for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, All Weather - New England & Beyond.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Paul Svensen for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Sunrise & Sunset Seascapes.
Michelle Joseph-Long
The colors in this photograph are absolutely stunning. Nice work capturing them.
Beautiful capture.....I have seen magical sunsets like this on beachscapes like this, but never had a camera with me at the time. You are so fortunate with this capture and wonderful artistic embellishment as well! f/l/tw/fb