Red Red Rose
by Margaux Dreamaginations
Red Red Rose
Margaux Dreamaginations
Photograph - Fine Art Photography, Photopainting, Digital Image
A red blend hybrid tea, or red tiger striped, rose called Red Intuition. Naturally-occurring striped roses have the genes for variegation. Stripes may also result from spontaneous or induced mutations. A bright red flower, accentuated with dark red stripes, is a one of a kind combination. The slow to open, classic, and elegant blooms are medium to large in size and double in form.
Roses, in the family Rosaceae, bloom from mid spring, all summer and into mid fall. There are over 100 species and thousands of varieties as it is easily one of the most desired and recognizable blooms in the world.
My own digital photograph artistically embellished.
Please contact ~rdmMargaux~ if you are interested in purchasing a signed and numbered print or canvas.
The 'FINE ART AMERICA' Watermark will NOT appear on your final product.
Featured/Highlighted in the following wonderful FAA artistic groups:
* Flower Mania
* Single Rose
* Artists Best Five Artworks
* All the Roses
* Fine Arts Professionals
* Flower Power
* Wisconsin Flowers & Scenery
* Flowers
* Roses & Tulips
* Macro Photography Group
* Macro Marvels
* Images That Excite You
* Forward Exposure
* Radiant Roses
* Thoughts of Flowers
~~ A heartfelt !! THANK YOU !! to each Group admin whom selected my work and for the honor of selection and recognition.
February 14th, 2016
Comments (18)
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Lisa Phillips for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Thoughts of Flowers. rdmm
Jeannie Rhode Photography
rdm, Sharing my Congratulations on your Feature in the Single Rose Group !
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Mechala Matthews for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Radiant Roses-Photography.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Jesse Grabowski for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Forward Exposure.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Doug Norkum for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Macro Marvels.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Bruce Bley for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Macro Photography Group.
John Bailey
Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Regina Taormino for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Roses & Tulips.
Jeannie Rhode Photography
rdm, Sharing my Congratulations on your recent Feature in Wisconsin Flower and Scenery !
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Colin Hunt for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Flowers.
Randy Rosenberger
I really love this awesome piece of artwork from your portfolio! I am happy to promote and comment on your works, as they are of a high standard of quality and creativity that I look for in representatives for our group, Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery. Thanks for being an active member and sharing your artistic talents with all of us in the art world. Very much appreciate your membership in our WFS group. Thanks for being a positive influence as a member of our family of friends and fine artists that make up our wonderful group. Congrats on your Feature in WFS group.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Tracey Munson for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Flower Power.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Nader Rangidan for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Fine Arts Professionals.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Photographic Art and Design by Dora Sofia Caputo for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, All The Roses.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Tina M Wenger for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Artists Best Five Artworks.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Doug Norkum for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Single Rose.