Red Justicia Brandegeeana Three
by Margaux Dreamaginations
Red Justicia Brandegeeana Three
Margaux Dreamaginations
Photograph - Fine Art Photography, Photopainting, Digital Image
Justicia brandegeeana, or shrimp plant. One of a series.
The flowers are white, extending from red bracts which look a bit like a shrimp, hence the shrub's common name, shrimp flower. The flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Pollination is usually by hummingbirds.
My own digital photograph artistically embellished. Please contact ~rdmMargaux~ if you are interested in purchasing a signed and numbered print or canvas.
The 'FINE ART AMERICA' Watermark will NOT appear on your final product.
Featured/Highlighted in the following wonderful FAA artistic groups:
* Photo Manipulation Artistry
* Photograph Manipulation
* FotoPainting
* Flower Mania
* Wisconsin Flower & Scenery
* Artists Best Five Artworks
~~ A heartfelt !! THANK YOU !! to each Group admin whom selected my work and for the honor of selection and recognition. rdmm
January 20th, 2016
Comments (11)
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Tina M Wenger for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Artists Best Five Artworks.
Jeannie Rhode Photography
rdm, Sharing my Congratulations on your recent Feature in Wisconsin Flower and Scenery !
Randy Rosenberger
It is a true honor and privilege to FEATURE this creative and wondrous piece of art work on the WFS site. This awesome piece of beauty is what we are looking for to promote. Your works are some of the Best of the Best in my Book! Thanks much for sharing this beauty with us. Liked Forever, Elvis
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Martin Wall for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Flower Mania.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Jean OKeeffe Macro Abundance Art for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, FotoPainting.
rdm-Margaux Dreamations
Thank you Martin Wall for featuring my artwork in this amazing group, Photograph Manipulation.